Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 #CM2MT2 v2.37 - general improvements and fixes | Download CM2MT2 v2.37

 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 #CM2MT2 v2.37 - general improvements and fixes | Download CM2MT2 v2.37

Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 #CM2MT2 v2.37 - general improvements and fixes | Download CM2MT2 v2.37

chinese miracle 2 v2.36
CM2MT2 v2.36 

CM2MT2 v2.37
CM2MT2 v2.37 

Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 CM2MT2 v2.37

About Old Version Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 #CM2MT2 v2.36 

Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 #CM2MT2 v2.36 - general improvements and fixes

Dongle firmware version required: 0153

- SmartInfo parser output revised

- NVRAM parser output revised

- Firmware remote verification enabled

- Device remote verification enabled

- Preloader parser revised and fixed

- Peloader remote verification enabled

- "KG State" moved to Service page

- "Help" menu

- View log files by right mouse click on message window

- View log files via "File" menu

- "Logs" button at main window to view log files

- "Snap" button at main window to make screenshot

- "Stop" button at main window

- Verification for preloader|da|firmware integrity

- Show current settings at operation start

- Show "Local SLA" state at operation start

- Show "Flash Write" settings at operation start

- "HW Report" mode selection changed

- "Check Account" button at "Settings" page to verify Username and Password validity

- Loaders remote verification enabled

- Show loaders information at boot time

- Memory chip life-state warnings updated

- "Stop" item removed from the top menu

- Boot stage loader files information revised

- "GUI Mode" item removed from the top menu and moved to "View" button

- "Memory Tool" moved to "Service" page

- "Make Service Report" moved to "Service" page

- "Settings" -> "Firefy : EMI" menu item moved to "FireFly : AutoEMI" at "Settings" page

- "GUI mode" save/restore on startup

- "Change GUI mode" via "Settings" menu

- HW Compatibility Wizard enabled

- Server Hints engine enabled

- "PMT Info" option at "Platform" page display Partition Info during "Identify"

- "Save Boot Config" option at "Platform" page to store detected model config to models list

What is New ?

Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 #CM2MT2 v2.37 - general improvements and fixes

Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 #CM2MT2 v2.37 - general improvements and fixes

- "Restore Backup" config mode updated

- "Restore Backup" allow to select files manually

- Flash file (Scatter) Open|Select|Clean buttons at "Flash" page

- Flash file (Scatter) parser updated

- Flash file (Scatter) selection issue fixes

- MemoryTool file selection issue fixes

- MemoryTool gui minor changes

- "Switch to HS USB" option removed

- Config storage engine updated

- Account Check gives balance and subscription date

- "PMT Info" config value stored

- "Flash" page minor gui changes

- Loaders remote verification revised

- Installer updated to manage previously installed boot-pack

- Required Dongle firmware version: 0153

File Name: Infinity CM2MT2 Uploaded By: Ijaz Mobile RepairingFile Size: 117.4mb

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