China 3310 RDA8851A 4MB BIN File 100% Ok Readed With CM2RDA Tool

China 3310 RDA8851A 4MB BIN File 100% Ok Readed With CM2RDA Tool


Operation : Read FullFlash
======= Settings
Settings : SafeMode is Off [Fast]
Settings : Make IFF (MCU) file
Settings : Make Calibration file

Waiting phone ... 
Connect battery, press and hold '0' button
Connect USB cable and keep hold button, until phone will be detected
Init  : 55555555
Settings registers ... 
1st boot Ok
==== CPU
CPU_ID : 8809 , rev : 4006
CPU_CN : RDA Micro CT , RDA8851B
==== FLASH
FL_VEN : 25C2 , rev : 3600
FL_CNM : Macronix , MX25U32
FL_CAP : 00400000
Initial : 81C0024C
==== Booting
Sending RamRun Loader ...
Set : 8809 , 00400000
Use : 8809_00400000_usb.fp
Sending HdrConf ... 
Sending LdrData ... 
Loader sent, starting...
Flush : 0400F000
Loader run
Boot Done!

Read Flash now ... 
Read Ok, 4194304 bytes read
Verify file...
Target BbCpu : CT8851A
Target Flash : flsh_spi32m
Project Info : RDA8851A
[BIN] Saved as : RDA8851A_CT8851A_flsh_spi32m.bin
Make FlashFiles
FATNV Check passed
FSCSC Check passed
CALIB Check passed
[IFF] File saved to : C:\InfinityBox\CM2RDA\Flash\IFF\CSD_RDA8851A_CT8851A_flsh_spi32m.iff
[CAL] File saved to : C:\InfinityBox\CM2RDA\Flash\IFF\CSD_RDA8851A_CT8851A_flsh_spi32m.ifc
Build done
Elapsed: 00:01:05
Reconnect Power/Cable!

Download Flash File

Download Flash File Second Link

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